Monday, December 3, 2007

Do You Really Need back Surgery?Author: Dr Aaron G. Filler MD PhD

Do you eat, sleep, breathe, walk, or sit? If you answered yes to any of the questions mentioned, then you need to read, Do You Really Need Back Surgery?, by Dr. Aaron Filler.Do You Really Need Back Surgery?, is one of the most revolutionary, pertinent, and easy to use medical tools for the average person, that is available on the market today. Dr. Filler cleverly divides the book into two parts. The first deals with Maintaining, improving, and trouble shooting, spinal health. Humorous anecdotes pepper the pages and help illustrate, to the average person, practical and applicable plans for injury detection and prevention. Filler, gives readers insight into yoga, meditation, and other alternative/supportive techniques, right along side revolutionary medical industry advances, and the latest in ergonomics. Beautiful, easy to read and understand charts, clearly explain side effects of commonly used pain medications. My only complaint with part one, is Dr. Fillerฦs painfully short references toChiropractic care. The second installment of Dr. Filler's, Do You Really Need Back Surgery?, quite literally covers the nuts and bolts of surgery and treatments. The second section discusses surgery and post operative periods at length, while it answers practical questions that someone facing surgery may have and may be afraid to ask. An extra added bonus is a section on insurances and diagnostic (ICD-9) coding.As a medical professional I appreciated its thoroughness. As a patient suffering from back pain, I appreciated its frankness. Without a doubt, Do You Really Need Back Surgery?, is a valuable reference book that should be on bookshelves from libraries and medical schools, to the average home.

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