Richard paints his team in symbols to hide his features so he is not recognized. His team meet and defeat Jagang's team BUT Jagang announces the win is invalid. This unfair decision causes a riot in the camp during which Richard and Nicci escape and Kahlan is 'rescued' by Samuel. Richard and Nicci (helped by Adie) go back to the Palace through the catacombs, helped by the fact that Nathan and Cara are suspicious and are investigating the missing Ann and Nicci.
Rachel is lured to Tamarang by Violet but is given a piece of chalk by someone looking like her mother (turns out to be Shota). She goes to the mystical caves and changes both drawings of her and Richard, killing Violet and reuniting Richard with his gift. Zedd is captured by Six - who is in league with Jagang and has helped attack D'Haran forces by riding a red dragon(so not all were destroyed by the Chimes). Richard is told by Nicci that he must not reveal his love for Kahlan otherwise Chainfire will not restore her love for him - but will do the rest.
Richard then goes through the Underworld with the help of Denna and retrieves everyone's memories (the memories of Kahlan don't exist inside the real world so therefore they do in the Underworld) - is attacked by the beast which Richard promptly destroys - and is rescued by the Mud People (Shota has sent Rachel on Gratch,Richard's Gar friend, to tell them to do so). At the Palace, Nathan thinks Richard is dead and is going to accept Jagang's terms (which include surrendering Nicci - who is imprisoned, and access to the Garden of Life to open the boxes).
Kahlan is attacked by Samuel but she touches the Sword of Truth and realizes that she is a Confessor. She touches Samuel, who reveals that he is an agent for Six and that Richard and Kahlan were once married. Richard on the way to Tamarang meets Kahlan and, although cannot reveal his love, carves another model of spirit.
Six has imprisoned Zedd and Chase and appears when Richard reaches the cell. Shota kills Six and Richard, Kahlan and Zedd fly back to the People's Palace on the red dragon (revealed as 'Gregory' son of Scarlet)
Back at the Palace, Richard helps Jillian, the priestess of the bones in Caska and dream caster, to make Jagang to become infatuated with Nicci through nightmares. Richard surrenders, Jagang and the Sisters enter the Garden of Life. Jagang goes to see Nicci - who puts a Rada-Han on him and eventually kills him.
Back in the Garden the Sisters complete the magic to find out which Box is correct and open it. It turns out that all the books were fakes - they refer to the word Confessor, which was not known at the time that the Boxes were created and so had been created later. The Sisters are sucked into the Underworld.
The key to the Magic of Orden is the Sword of Truth. Kahlan tells Richard she loves him - to Richard's dismay. Richard puts the Sword on each box - one box turns the Sword white. Richard stabs the box and uses the magic to send believers in the Order to a new world, devoid of magic, as well as repairing the damage caused by the Chimes. Richard's half sister Jensen and some of her people (Pillars of Creation) say that they wish to go to this new world too because they belong in a world of no magic since magic does not effect them. By staying in Richard's world magic may be bred out in the future. Richard agrees because he understands his sister's reasoning and sends her people to the new world, along with Tom, the man that loves Jensen. Before he closes the Gateway, Kahlan then says she was protected because her love for Richard was genuine (for the second time) i.e. She had not been told she loved him.
There is an inside look on how Tom, Jennson, and the rest of the ungifted are coping. Jennson is pregnant.
Everything is normal in D'Hara. Cara and General Meiffert get married and everyone is happy
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