Wednesday, December 5, 2007

THE AGE OF TURBULENCE, by Alan Greenspan

Later this year, Alan Greenspan's memoir will be released, titled "The Age of Turbulence."
Publication date is Sept. 17 (you cannot yet pre-order it on Amazon). Greenspan's editor is pushing the rumor that the Maestro's promotional tour will include an appearance on the Tonite Show with Jay Leno.
There are lots of books about The Maestro (including Bob Woodward 's Maestro). Many are less than flattering, with titles like Greenspan's Fraud; Who Shot Goldilocks?; and Bubble Man;
I still get a chuckle every time I recall the Onion quote about his retirement: "I guess the crash-and-burn lifestyle of a 'chairman of the Federal Reserve' finally caught up with the guy."

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